The Jaguar’s Story Children’s Book and Website

Project Details

Book Cover Design

Book Interior Design and Layout

Book Website Design

Activity Book Design and Layout

Audio Book Graphics 


Kosa Ely


In The Jaguar’s Story, experience an unforgettable adventure with a young jaguar family in the Amazon rainforest. In this beautiful children’s book by Kosa Ely (author) and Radhe Gendron (artist), the goal was to let the art shine and create a rich, textural experience.

The interior pages were designed to compliment the mood of the art on those specific pages—to match the drama, colors and specific scene. On many pages, artistic backgrounds and edges were created to fill in space where the painting didn’t stretch to fill the page. This design treatment keeps the reader focused and enchanted in the fascinating world of the Amazon rainforest.

Designs for this project included the 48 page book, 24 page activity book, book website design and audio book graphics.


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